Maximizing Personal Performance

Maximizing Personal Potential – When Bad Things Happen

It is a normal part of everyday life for bad things to sometimes happen. Bad things happen in our personal lives and sometimes in our professional lives in the workplace.  When this happens we often feel “very down.” We ask ourselves questions such as “Why is this happening to me” or “What have I done to deserve this?”

If you want to maximize your potential in life take a different attitude to such “bumps in the road.”  Think about the following.

“When bad things happen, they often happen for a good reason and good things come of them.”

Try to see things in a positive light. Try to see what you can learn from them.

Remember the words of the famous American wartime General, George Patton, who said

“The harder you fall, the higher you bounce back.”

Just think about it. “The harder you fall, the higher you bounce back.”

You need to see bad things happening as an opportunity: an opportunity to be even more successful than you were before.

So remember “When bad things happen they often happen for a good reason and good things come of them.”
