Goals – DNA of a Successful Organization

Goals are the DNA of a Highly Successful Organization

All behavior is goal directed. Humans act in defined ways in order to achieve goals no matter how routine, mundane or taken for granted such actions may seem to be. They take action in order to achieve a defined objective: a goal. Goal setting is, as such, part of our human DNA.

Goals should also be the DNA code in any organization.

Goals should be the GPS or navigation system of an organization. They are the transforming catalysts that move people to take action. Goals are both the end results and also the means to achieving those results.


Goals are the tools that leaders use to create the future. Without goals for tomorrow an individual or an organization is stuck where it is today.


The truly goal-driven organization is a successful organization. The goals are the DNA that ensure that the organization survives and, more particularly, thrives, because all of its members are striving to achieve the established goals.

As Ronald Reagan, the former President of the United States, once said

“The great leader is not the one who necessarily does the greatest things; he is the one who gets people to do the greatest things.”
